Interview: Fer Millán, Entrepreneur & Designer

Fer Millán was always an inspiration for me not only because of his good taste when it came to dressing, but also because of his great kindness and the peace that he transmits. There are many influential people in the world of fashion, but people who manage to reflect their personality through the screen is sometimes not so easy. I started following Fer Millán on his social networks approximately 2 years ago or a little more. I always marveled at the great work she did, the effort she put into showing a product, but what characterized her most was her simplicity and charisma. It is an honor for me to have been able to include an interview with her since she is a person whom I greatly admire.

Fer Millan best look 2020
You were recently in my hometown, Mérida. You had fun? What would you tell people who visit Mérida to do and see? What did you like the most?

Merida is a special place. It has the best of being in Mexico but it has its own personality that makes you feel like you are in another country. The people are different, the food has unique flavors, time passes more slowly… now I understand better when they call it “the Sister Republic.”

There is so much to see, from the Mayan ruins, the cenotes, the French mansions, the haciendas, the beaches, the lagoons, traditional restaurants and the new gastronomic proposals that it becomes a perfect destination for all types of trips.

What I liked most about this last trip to Mérida was not being in a hurry and living at a different pace to simply enjoy the sunset, walking aimlessly through the streets of the center or going to eat at my favorite places. In CDMX I feel like there is never a pause.

Your husband is an architect, so there are two creative people in a marriage. Do they have much to do with each other's work?

Our jobs are creative but very different in their processes, inspirations and rhythms, but it is a fact that I learned about architecture and Domingo fashion. We like to talk about the design of a building, as well as that of a piece of furniture or a shoe. What we have in common is a love for Mexico, a personality of our own in our creativity.

How did you start in the world of fashion?

I have the idea that I started years ago when I saw magazines, movies and music videos. Then I studied fashion for a few years but my classes didn't convince me, I entered another career, I started a company and when this first company went bankrupt I had extra time that I used to upload photos of my looks... thank God I started to notice movement in my account and stopped sending my resume to continue posting. Thanks to my IG account, brands searched for me and I started collaborating with them.

Do you have any guilty tastes in your closet? Anything you don't use but love?

No. I like everything. There are more risky things that I have to pay more attention to when combining but I never have that feeling of not daring to wear something.

You just built and designed a beautiful new home, congratulations, but if there was a fire and you only had time to pick out one item from your closet, what would it be?

My engagement ring that Domingo designed for me. definitely!

House of Fer Millan
When you go to France, what do you miss most about Mexico besides friends and family?

I miss the intensity of Mexico. I like to work 12 hours a day, create content, talk to my jewelers, stay in touch with brands and talk about next projects. I feel that the effervescence of Mexico is what makes me most want to return soon.

Fer Millan and Domingo Delaroière
What famous person would you love to see carrying your brand of bags?

Audrey Hepburn. And more to have your comments on the design.

Are you ready for Fashion Trends for next year?

Always ready, I think that watching the shows and observing the details in the garments educates your eye and opens up a world of possibilities for styling looks.

Are there any trends that are popular but that you think “I would never wear that?”

Yeah!! completely. Lately I'm more flexible. I had a lot of trouble with jeans, I didn't wear jeans at all because I felt that they were something very easy to wear and didn't give me anything creatively, but when they launched jeans in super vibrant colors I was very excited and bought several. So I will limit myself to reinforcing the phrase “never say never.”

Is there a particular store, place or country where it would be a dream to see your creations for sale?

I would love to have a point of sale in Mérida.

Any favorite fashion trends?

At the moment silver accessories in bags, shoes, jewelry... everything in silver! I also love super close-fitting garments that look like second skins to wear in layers.

Any not-so-favorite fashion trends?

I never fall for blue denim garments and this athleisure trend where tennis shoes are combined with more formal garments has not caught my attention. I think I only wear sneakers to exercise!

The fashion industry is famously difficult. How has it been for you?

The truth is I have been fortunate to find many people who trusted me and have supported me from the beginning, when you do something for love things flow, you find the right people along the way and everything becomes very bearable. Yes, I have had some, very few, bad experiences, they were not because of fashion, on the contrary. I feel that fashion is an industry that opens the mind about society, the power of women, unique beauty, different body types or at the time about topics such as AIDS... I feel that the industry is not recognized. of fashion for the good it also brings.

How long does the process take between having an idea and the moment when the idea is finally realized?

It depends, it is a formula in which all the elements must flow and each one has a different time. You could have a new jewelry design in mind and develop it in a couple of weeks and there are other products that can take several months between idea, development, testing and final product.

Are there any vintage or rare bags you would kill to have?

More than a bag, I'm thinking of the iconic Ferragamo Rainbow platform shoes created in 1938. I have to have them by 2038 and celebrate their 100 years hahahaha.

Aside from your own brand, is there a particular bag that you never travel without?

No. I like to vary even with my own brand.

What's next for Fer and your brands in the next year?

For Cepheid and Le Voyage launch new collections but above all expand our market and points of sale. For me, what I want most is to have even more creative freedom, new collaborators and projects that resonate internationally. I want to see more Mexicans in the fashion industry and Mexicans who represent us.

Fer Millan and her handbag brand Le voyage
What did you feel the first time you finally saw your work in a shop window?

You think that the sleepless nights, the tears and the work are worth it. It gives you strength to continue.

Who is your favorite designer?

I have several! Right now I admire a lot Marine Serre. I think she is the designer of 2021. I feel like I influence many, many of the most important catwalks. The second skin and its entire “post-apocalyptic, recycling, somewhat sporty, futuristic and genderless” proposal was a small revolution from someone who understands current events. I really admire how a relatively small brand can have so much power.

Fer Millan in Marine Serre
Favorite Mexican and/or foreign brand?

Kris Goyri It surprised me again this year. Cynthia Buttenklepper. Alin Jotar It is my favorite and we have a mega talent to discover with the brand Esant by designer Aline Díaz.

Where can we find your brand Le voyage and cefeida?

Cepheid You can find it in our online store, in physical stores in Cihuah Store, saks and coming soon Lake. Le Voyage in Amor & Rosas and The hoop physical stores.

Is there someone you admire? whether in the fashion world or not

Obvious. Lately what I admire most are genuinely good and well-intentioned people. That they manage to contribute to another person's project, that they manage to add, give. I feel that it is what we need most and that we all need it. I want and I strive to be like that.

As an entrepreneur and inspiring Mexican, any advice you want to give us?

My advice is to work. Work provides security, energy, value in itself. There is nothing like being independent. My other advice is to jump in, today is the good day to start, make that call, knock on the door and get started.

“Work provides security, energy, value in itself. There is nothing like being independent.”

– Fer Millan

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